Beginilah tag, lolos dari yang satu eh disambut oleh yang lain. Tapi bagaimana jika dunia blog miskin tag? Sepi.
Begin Here
This is the easy way and the fastest way to:
1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can..
Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, Novee, DJ Jojo, Eagle, Rezki, Fiz (AND THE TAG IS OFFER!!!)
End Here
Sesekali jadi ekor tag gak ada yang protes kan? Terima kasih.
Begin Here
This is the easy way and the fastest way to:
1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can..
Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, Novee, DJ Jojo, Eagle, Rezki, Fiz (AND THE TAG IS OFFER!!!)
End Here
Sesekali jadi ekor tag gak ada yang protes kan? Terima kasih.
hati2 lho tar di cap sama om google sebagai spam :)
BalasHapusHuwaaa aku protes....ini sih kebanyakan melanggar rulesnya.
BalasHapusLha bentrok kan??? Sori ya ki' :). Emang bisa gitu oom??
BalasHapuskok linknya ngk ada yaa ... udah berkurang nilainya tuh :D
BalasHapusaku jg kena tag tapi ampe skrg ga dibkn2 bingung secara pake english2an segala seh:(
BalasHapusyeee...yg no.3 nya ngga dikerjain..ngga lulus tuh..hihi..
BalasHapusgimana, Fiz, explode and increase ngga ??
*jadi inget blm nerusin dominonya eagle*
masih rada bingung, fungsi tag cloud itu untuk apa, hehe.
BalasHapus@eagle: Tapi gak merah kan??? :)
BalasHapus@mama rafi: Selamat Mam, hampir aja tak lempar tag...!!!
@lita: Iya... ya, bener2 lupa Mbak. Yang explode and increase kayaknya cuman si Rezki deh...!!!
@mpokb: Waduh, untuk apa ya??? Ki'... Ki'...!!! (teriak2 gak jelas)
Saya setuju biar Virus Tag itu ngak tersebar kemana-mana...!
BalasHapusbetul tidak
linknya mana??/ kok gak dibuat???
BalasHapus@rizky: Tidak betul. Lalu tag di blog U itu???? :)
BalasHapus@ichaawe: Itulah Mbak, tapi dapatnya sdah kayak gitu kok...!!! :P
Ya ga papa ngekor, kita senasib lho.... masa pelimpahan tugas kok sak penake dw, huh emangnya kita apaan ya? Qie tuh salah satunya, ayo dibantai aja...................